Monday, October 18, 2010

Garden Project

We have attempted to revive the old empty pond in my fiancées grandparents backyard over a year ago but unfortunately his grandfather did not go for that idea. We decided to drop the subject and figured we could do something with it later on or even use it for planting more vegetables. To our surprise about a month ago Poppy my fiancées grandfather changed his mind and told us we could restore the pond. We were super excited to start on this project and thus we wasted no time in doing so. The day after we headed to the local hardware store to purchase the mortar to repair all the cracks at the base of the pond and to seal everything with a good healthy coat . We waited for a week for the mortar to cure and then proceeded to fill the pond with water. This lead to purchasing a pump and some pond friendly plants such as lily pads, horse tail and hyacinths. It has know been three weeks since we got the pond going and today we added some gold fish to start making their home as there were little mosquito larvae that my fiancee discovered over the weekend when I was away. We are looking forward to seeing the pond thrive with life and to know that his grandparents are able to enjoy it from their dining table that has great big windows which look out into their beautiful backyard. Here are a couple of photos I took today of the pond at it's current state. I will post photos in a few days of the process.

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