Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Sights and Sounds of Downtown Houston Part 1

When I first arrived in Houston this past Monday I was taken back by how quiet and empty downtown Houston was.

The downtown area is mostly busy during business hours so before 11am and after 5pm is when you see the most action. It took me a few days to get used to as in the Loas Angeles and Orange County areas there are people everywhere almost all the time.

On my outing the other day I discovered a tunnel system under some of the skyscrapers here. There were all sorts of Cafe's and shops in these tunnels and they were bustling with fot traffic. Unfortunately I was on a time constraint so I was not able to do to much exploring.

I am planning on doing a little walking photo session on Monday of next week as I have sometime before I have to get to work as an exhibitor for the MaryKay Leadership expo.

Here are some photos of downtown and art installations at the Discovery Green across the street from the George Fern Conventions Center.

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