Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have to back track here one day as I forgot to talk about the night walk we took after our arrival in Florence.

We originally planned to do a walk from our guide book and then it just turned into a stroll around the city. There was not much going on and parts of the city were completely empty and dark. We walked by a few odd looking clubs that were blasting euro dance hits, although these were clearly marked as military offices, very strange! The rest of our walk we window shopped and people watched. A few of the squares had live orchestra's playing as well as the famous Ponte Vecchio. Couples usually crowd to the bridge after sunset to hear some music while they gaze at each other lovingly.

We stopped by the bridge and were both unimpressed by this very eccentric french man who accompanied his vocals with a guitar, so we just kept walking. The views of the city at night were worth the walk over to the bridge despite the lackluster tunes.

Here are some photos from our walk.

This artist was working on this chalk drawing all day long

 View of the Ponte Vecchio

 Cardboard furniture we both liked very much

Italians all over wore these tennis shoes by the brand Hogan. These were some odd styles we saw while on our evening stroll


  1. the cardboard furniture is awesome! How long are you in Europe for?

  2. This was from my honeymoon trip back in April and May. I am actually blogging about it afterwards as we did not have a reliable internet connection.
